All lead generation sites vary, but you generally earn money for every lead you generate for one of your client companies. It's important to note here that no sales are taking place in this process. The prospect didn't buy anything; rather, they simply provided some information, or picked up the phone and called their client business. I wanted to share this post as a case study to help you compare some important elements in your next lead generation campaign.
Quinstreet and Campus Explorer rate their leads by having prospects fill out forms, but Ring Partner is a little different. A lead is simply a bit of information about a person, usually in a specific target demographic that can be sold to a stakeholder, in this case schools with online education programs. Your job in this business is to find qualified leads for your clients' business that they can convert into customers. When people talk about leads or lead generation, many people start thinking about affiliate marketing or CPA (cost-per-action) programs.
Some of the best lead generation programs that will pay you also work much like an affiliate offer or network. Many of these business owners will pay you a monthly retention fee to maintain this lead generation website by referring customers to them, or on a purely pay-per-lead basis. For example, if you have a lead generation website that generates leads for universities, you might also want to offer an affiliate link to online courses or other educational opportunities. Depending on affiliate offers or direct partnerships, there could be literally thousands of new locations where owners of lead generation websites can grow.
The darkest areas of the map show where lead generation specialists earn the highest salaries in all 50 states. If you are looking for a solid educational product to generate lead, I would recommend Local Client Takeover or The Lab. Also, unlike affiliates like AdSense, which have basically unlimited offers, and Amazon, with millions of offers, there simply aren't a lot of lead generation offers out there. For every qualified lead you send to the company, they'll give you a search fee for that lead generation.
I didn't share my site for this case study because the purpose was to get your brain thinking about some benchmarks you should achieve with your own lead generation arbitration website. When it comes to scaling lead generation websites, there are several different strategies you can use to grow them. Since most lead generation websites don't cover every area where the offer is available, someone who wants to grow their lead generation site significantly just needs to find all the locations where their specific offers are available and create those pages.